Softball Bio
Rachael was born an athlete. From the moment she could walk she was playing with balls of one type or another. Basketballs, footballs, baseballs, soccer balls. When invited to a birthday party at 4 she ended up shooting baskets in the back yard over playing the party games because she loved sports so much.
“Dad, If it’s not about who wins or loses, then why do they keep score?” Rachael was 5 when she asked her did this very question. She was playing on her first soccer team and even at that young age, her competitive spirit was forming.
Not only was she an aspiring athlete but her sense of individuality was beginning to grow as well. Rachael has never followed the crowd. From her social life, to her sense of fashion, Rachael is and has always been an individual.
Entering into elementary school brought with it Rachael’s introduction to organized sports. First it was soccer, then in the 3rd Grad several girls from Rachael’s class were joining a little league team in the Crown Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Rachael joined too and her love of Softball began.
From the first practice she fell in love with the sport that would eventually become her “favorite thing to do.” She was so fast that the first year her league would allow players to steal bases her dad urged her not to stop if she stole a base but to continue running because the girls at age 9 would never be able to throw her out. She took that advise to heart and lead the league in stollen bases.
At age 11 Rachael found her softball career stifled by the skill level of little league. She wanted to play with better players; faster runners; harder hitters; better pitchers. A little league teammate asked her to come to a tryout for Seattle Fastpitch, a select softball club in Seattle. Rachael went and was immediately asked to join the team.
For the next 4 years the Seattle Fast Pitch Venom became her second family, while the Queen Anne Gym (the workout facility of Seattle Fast Pitch) became her second home. It was in the 8th grade that Rachael came to the realization that she wanted to pursue softball year round which would require her to give up her second sport soccer. She threw herself headlong into softball. Hitting lessons, practices, catching lessons, you name it she did it.
After 4 years with the Seattle Fastpitch Venom, Rachael once again found herself in a situation where she wanted to play at an even more advanced level. She tried out and was offered a position on the NW Ladysharks Wilcox team. She was actually offered the position even before she finished the tryout. This was due to the fact that the coaches of the Ladysharks had played against Rachael for years. They remembered the shortstop that had incredible range, blazing speed and somehow always managed a to find a way to get on base.
Just following her 16th Birthday Rachael, once again wanted to compete at the highest level possible. She contacted the NW Sidewinder’s 18Gold coach Doug Greenup and asked for a tryout. She was offered a position and is now playing for one of the best teams in Washington State.
Rachael wants more than anything to continue the trend she started at 8 years old and play at even more advanced levels. Ultimately she would like to play Collegiate softball for a Division I school who can compete on a national level.